FAQs & Insurance Info
What services does Health Coach offer?
At the downtown location Health Coach offers Chiropractic and Myofascial Therapy which is commonly known as massage.
We also offer a very unique combination of active therapy bays that really work amazingly in coordination with the myofascial therapy and chiropractic treatments. You have to experience it to understand!
What types of conditions are treated?
Our office is committed to providing the highest quality health care for acute and chronic conditions including:
- Neck and Back Pain
- Headaches
- Auto Injuries
- Shoulder & Arm Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Knee, Ankle & Foot Pain
- Post-Surgical Rehab
What Insurance Plans does Health Coach accept?
Health Coach accepts most insurance plans that have out-of-network coverage. We always check your benefits at no charge to see what your coverage would be in our office. Call us downtown at 602.257.4520
Additionally Health Coach determines the amount you owe per visit ahead of time so that you can pay it as you come in for each visit. This avoids receiving a ’surprise’ bill down the road.
Why doesn’t Health Coach contract with insurance providers?
Health Coach chooses to maintain non-contracted (out-of-network) with all insurance companies so that we are not restricted on the servies we can provide. We pride ourselves on a superior level of healthcare that is only possible because of our non-contracted status.
Do I need a referral from my primary care doctor for Chiropractic care?
What if my insurance doesn’t cover my treatment at Health Coach?
Your health affects everything you do and everyone you know. It is your most valuable possession. Yet, each of us is free to place a different value on our health. It’s convenient when an insurance company or third party helps pay the bill.
But be careful! Don’t allow the profit motive of a huge corporation to make the decision for you. Find out how we make our care affordable for just about anyone.
How is Myofascial Therapy different from Massage?
Myofascial Therapy is a variation of massage.
How long will I need my Chiropractic or Physical Therapy care?
After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care. These patients show up for their visits feeling great. These visits can help support the final stages of healing and help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious. Our job is to offer the very best care and your job is to decide how much of it you want.
What is a slipped disc?
The disc is a soft pulpy shock absorber. It has a fibrous outer ring which holds in a jelly-like material. A slipped disc is a common way to refer to a wide variety of disc problems. However, a disc can’t slip because of the way it attaches to the spinal bones above and below it. A disc can bulge. It can tear. It can herniate. It can thin. It can dry out. And it can collapse. But it can’t slip.
What is a pinched nerve?
A pinched nerve is rare. It is more likely that an adjacent spinal bone irritates, stretches, rubs or chafes a nerve. These subluxations distort the nerve messages sent between the brain and the body. This can produce unhealthy alterations to the organs and tissues connected by the affected nerves.
What is a subluxation?
There are three basic causes of subluxations. Physical causes could include slips and falls, accidents, repetitive motions and improper lifting. Emotions such as grief, anger and fear can cause subluxations. Chemical causes could include alcohol, drugs, pollution and poor diet.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Chiropractic adjustments usually involve a quick thrust that helps add motion to spinal joints that aren’t moving right. Some methods use the doctor’s hands, an instrument, a special table or the force of gravity. There are many ways to adjust the spine.
Is Chiropractic Safe?
Yes. A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are remarkably safe. By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record. A thorough exam can identify the rare person for whom chiropractic care might be unsuited. Compare the statistics. Adjustments are about 100 times safer than taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.